Archive for January, 2011


Compassion for All Creation

January 28, 2011

Saiful Islam

ChickMessenger of AllahSall-Allahu    alayhi wa sallamwas a balanced human being, who had all the perfect qualities a man could ever possess. He took each positive quality and exemplified them to its epitome.  Be it a husband or neighbour, a general of an army or a businessman, our master MuhammadSall-Allahu    alayhi wa sallamwas exemplary in each of his duties and roles and was an all-round master.

One of his qualities was that of compassion.  The Messenger ofSall-Allahu    alayhi wa sallamhad immense compassion and mercy for not only man, but for all creation.

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And Then They Came For Me: Barelwis in the Crossfire

January 21, 2011

By CoolnessofHind

UnityIn a previous post concerning the paradox facing those who proclaimed the Barelwis as the “moderate” face of Islam, it was stated that it would be in the interest of the Muslims to unite, putting aside differences for the purpose of addressing a greater problem – the increasing anti-Muslim sentiment being created by the mass-media and the setting of a reformist, assimilationist agenda for Islam.  Once these sycophantic groups and their use had become obsolete, the collective group, i.e. Muslims, would then be attacked.

This is starting to happen now.  The use of the Barelwis has now subsided, since the inception phase of subverting and subduing Islam has passed.  The phase now is of open xenophobia, anti-Muslim rhetoric and bigotry in order to arouse the British public.

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Jack “The Paki-Basher” Straw

January 10, 2011

By CoolnessofHind

In boxing, fighters use a suffix; an adjective in their names to instil fear in the heart of the person he is fighting. For example Manny Pacquiao is fearfully known to his foes as Manny “The Destroyer” Pacquiao.  Jack it seems, is changing his title from Jack “the Opportunist” Straw to Jack “the Paki-basher” straw.  The bigoted bashing of course is a verbal one, but still a bashing nonetheless.

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Moderates: The Barelwi Paradox

January 5, 2011

By Saiful Islam

The assassination of one Salman Taseer has rocked Pakistan. All the big Western guns are up in arms about the demise of the “moderate” Salman Taseer.  But the West and particular Britain, is now faced with a paradoxical situation.  Allow me to elucidate.

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